Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ad for homelessness

Indifference kills. Nice idea and strong execution. Can't remember where I found this. I grabbed it a few weeks ago. Probably adsoftheworld.


Anonymous said...

I actually thought that was some sort of guerilla marketing/street painting campaign. Would work quite well as that..

experiential marketing said...

I like their idea, it's really unique and amazing. Thanks.

Theodore Smith said...

Thank you for sharing this. I'm pretty sure that this marketing strategy will work.
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seo london said...

Things like this tend to go viral via social media websites and in turn, increases awareness of the problem at hand.

Perth web design said...

I'll share this so that this will become something viral over the internet. Thank you very much.

Bella said...

This marketing strategy is effective. Pay per click or ads will help you to get traffic to your website and lots of people would find your site. I'll also share it on Facebook and other social networking sites.

Unknown said...

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eonmech said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jhon Perker said...

great information.
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